Lent, a solemn season in the Christian liturgical calendar, is often perceived as a time for individual repentance and prayer ...
Six saints and blesseds have offered these profound reflections on how to live this time of Lent authentically through ...
Hundreds of people gathered on Friday at St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church for the parish’s Lenten Fish Fry. The 18th ...
The Center for Faith, Action and Ministry (CFAM) provides a variety of events and retreats for students to observe Lent.
Unique Lenten initiative in Alappuzha Catholic church explores Jesus' teachings through literary classics, fostering ...
During Lent, many Christians abstain from eating meat on Fridays and instead enjoy fish, leading to the tradition of fish fry Fridays.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Aurora celebrated the first Sunday in Lent, March 9, by welcoming a new senior pastor. The Rev.