But now that Zuck's taken a liking to cooler clothes (capital-F fashion, even), are other techies ready to ditch their ...
Get Out, Give Back” Wine Experiences Will be Donated to Organizations Providing Social Services for Napa Farmworkers ...
Please visit or call the Senior Center at 858-756-3041 to register for in-person classes. 10th Annual Healthy Aging ...
National Pack Your Lunch Day is a day aims to celebrate the benefits of bringing your own lunch to work, school, or wherever ...
Clermont Mayor Tim Murry held another successful Mayor’s Lunch at Grace O’Malley’s Public House and Kitchen, offering local ...
To include or update items in the weekly Senior News list, email information to [email protected] or [email protected]. The deadline is noon Wednesday for inclusion in that week’s list.
It was announced last week that Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands will be reducing the council on aging’s social lunch ...
In the realm of yoga and spirituality, Yogi Ashwini emphasizes focusing on individual body needs and personal balance over rigid dietary rules. He stresses that true yoga is about freedom ...
Certain yoga postures help improve digestion and prevent post-lunch lethargy Stretching and movement increase blood flow, boosting energy and focus A few minutes of yoga can replace the need for ...
THE March edition of The Worthys Parish Magazine is out now. It includes features news, events and articles from our villages. If you would like to subscribe and have it delivered through your door, ...