A new imaging technique is helping ultra-powerful MRI scanners detect tiny differences in the brains of patients with ...
including a 32-channel brain coil developed for the Siemens 7 T human MRI system and a 96-channel brain-specific coil for signal detection in Siemens clinical 3 T MAGNETOM. They also work on ...
The Purdue Life Science MRI Facility performs regular QA measures on its Siemens PRISMA scanner to provide ... The measurements are performed using the 64-channel head coil, the large Siemens Phantom, ...
For years, researchers have debated how our brains consistently develop areas specialized for recognizing faces, objects, ...
We have a strong pedigree in MRI hardware engineering, including pioneering work on RF coil ... As such, X-nuclei RF coils often need to be developed in house for specific needs. Featured Example: 129 ...
02.352, Heidelberglaan100, 3582 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands, a.j.teske{at}gmail.com Objective Echocardiographic cut-off values are often used for cardiac MRI in athletic persons. This study ...