The species can only be found in parts of Northern and Central California. It was hit hard by the West Nile Virus in the ...
It can take a long time for a crow to forgive your transgressions. And it’s a similar story for the Australian magpie.
Glossy black and white bodies and wings with a beautiful iridescent blue-green sheen on their back and tail feathers, both ...
Colonists felled the forest for timber and farmland, and as the species became rare, bird collectors hunted it. In the 19 th-century, one Frenchman reportedly shot 24 Seychelles magpie robins in ...
Black bill and range distinguish this species from the yellow-billed magpie; larger size of the black-billed magpie sometimes appreciable in the field. Until recently, the black-billed magpie was ...
Straight away Mr Neo agreed to give his Javan green magpie to Panji’s breeding centre ... to help save its species in the breeding programme, and in the future to once again have the opportunity ...
When we attached tiny, backpack-like tracking devices to five Australian magpies for a pilot study, we didn’t expect to discover an entirely new social behaviour rarely seen in birds. Our goal was to ...
Magpies are known to aggressively swoop perceived threats to their nesting areas during breeding season, which lasts from June to December. They are a protected species in Australia. Lord Mayor ...