White spots on the skin can be caused by sun exposure or conditions including milia, vitiligo, or pityriasis alba. The spots appear when there is a loss of skin pigment or from trapped skin cells.
White spots on the face can cover a small or large area of skin. They can be hard bumps or flat patches. Possible causes include milia, pityriasis alba, vitiligo, and more. Many people experience ...
Milia, also called milk spots, are small, pearly white cysts that form under the skin. They develop when keratin—a protein that makes up hair, skin, and nails—gets trapped beneath the surface. About ...
Fordyce spots are small, painless, yellowish or white bumps that appear on the lips, inner cheeks, or genitals. According to Mayo clinic, it's a 'common skin condition where oil glands appear larger'.
There are numerous potential causes for red spots to form on the skin, including sudden infections or underlying chronic conditions. On darker skin tones, the spots may appear as purplish or ...
Dark spots, or hyperpigmentation, occur when excess melanin, the pigment that gives skin its colour, causes certain areas to appear darker than the surrounding skin. These spots can vary in size and ...
White spots on your nails are often the result of a nail injury called leukonychia. Other potential causes of white spots in your nails include allergies, fungal infection, mineral deficiency, or ...
Have you tried treating dark spots on your own without getting the results you want? Do you see new dark spots appear as others fade? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. Darks spots and patches ...