Sarah was in hospital having a scan to find out why she was suddenly suffering from such heavy periods and severe pelvic pain that left her bed-bound for a week each month.
One little-known symptom which can be linked to a common condition is when you feel bloated or like you have a 'fullness' in ...
If you have ever experienced bloating or a sensation of 'fullness' in your stomach, it might be a sign of a common condition that could require a hospital visit. The NHS advises that this could be a ...
If you have ever experienced bloating or a sensation of 'fullness' in your stomach, it might be a sign of a common condition that could require a hospital visit. The NHS advises that this could be a ...
If you have an intrauterine device (IUD), you will eventually have to get it removed. If you're nervous about having it taken out, know that an IUD removal is often easier, less painful, and quicker ...
An IUD might help treat endometriosis, depending on your symptoms. An IUD is not the right choice for everyone seeking endometriosis treatment. Mirena and other hormonal IUDs are not recommended for ...
Researchers in one 2016 study looked at more than 1,800 people who used the Mirena IUD. After a year, those who’d started out with light or short periods were more likely to stop bleeding ...
Bayer's big-selling contraceptive Mirena has been approved in Europe to provide up to eight years of pregnancy protection, which the company says is the longest of any device of its kind.