Morality need not be defined; we know what it is. In men and animals the moral sense is predominant; in both, the impulse to do right is stronger than the capacity to think clearly; few men can ...
Created with Sketch. We used to think that people are born with a blank slate, but research has shown that people have an innate sense of morality. Of course, parents and the greater society can ...
Everyone abides by some kind of moral code. Whether they’re following the rules of their country, community, business, ...
(CNN)-- Rapid-fire TV news bulletins or getting updates via social-networking tools such as Twitter could numb our sense of morality and make us indifferent to human suffering, scientists say.
But the percentage of U.S. adults who say this is considerably lower than the shares who view practical experience and common sense (93%), logic and reason (92%) and scientific information (75%) as ...