桑托斯港的强大枢纽作用: 依托可靠的支线网络,与Mercosul航线对接,包括覆盖东北部目的港的Braco航线和覆盖阿根廷及乌拉圭市场的Plata航线,还可通过达飞的Brasex北向航线,覆盖加勒比海港口。
据日经新闻3月4日报道,ONE计划于2030年前投资250亿美元(约合人民币1821亿元),通过建造42艘新集装箱船与并购(M&A)将运力提升约30%(约57万TEU)。 近日,ONE曾宣布升级亚洲至西非WA1和SW2航线,进一步增加奥纳港(Onne ...
A economia chinesa tem forte impulso de crescimento e amplas perspectivas de desenvolvimento, e o mercado chinês continua ...
China's military expelled three Philippine aircraft that illegally entered the airspace near China's Nansha Qundao in the South China Sea on Thursday, according to a military spokesperson. The Chinese ...
BEIJING, 21 feb (Xinhua) -- El ejército de China expulsó el jueves a tres aviones filipinos que ingresaron ilegalmente en el espacio aéreo cercano a Nansha Qundao (archipiélago de Nansha) de China, en ...
On February 7th, the construction of the Shiziyang Channel, a major project in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), fully resumed. A total of 1,600 workers are advancing construction ...