But, as any Okami fan will be able to tell you, we've already seen a follow-up (of sorts) in the 2011 DS follow-up, Okamiden. If this new sequel is continuing the story of the original game ...
Speaking to Japanese publication GameSpark, Kamiya and his former PlatinumGames colleague Kento Koyama mentioned how just because Clovers was starting with a sequel to Okami, didn't mean it would ...
But what about Okamiden, you ask? The Nintendo DS follow-up to Okami certainly does exist, and has its fans. But Capcom is aware that it wasn't necessarily aligned with everyone's expectations.
Despite critical acclaim and a 2010 successor for the DS called Okamiden, Capcom eventually abandoned the franchise, seemingly due to poor sales. So why return to the beautiful world of Okami all ...
Despite critical acclaim and a 2010 successor for the DS called Okamiden, Capcom eventually abandoned the franchise, seemingly due to poor sales. So why return to the beautiful world of Okami all ...
That said, Capcom did create Okamiden for Nintendo DS in 2010, showcasing that the company still believed in the franchise. "I know specifically that people are still enjoying this game ...
Speaking to IGN, Capcom producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi confirmed that the Okami sequel is a "continuation ... sequel to Ōkami - Ōkamiden, a Nintendo DS game starring Amaterasu's child ...
Capcom has confirmed Okami 2 as a direct sequel. Okami 2 will utilize Capcom's RE Engine used in other titles like Street Fighter 6. The highly-anticipated sequel is in early development.
Clovers Studio head Hideki Kamiya and former PlatinumGames colleague Kento Koyama in an interview with Japanese publication GameSpark revealed the studio could work on other games besides the ...
Okami may have sold poorly during its initial run, but the cel-shaded brushwork title garnered newfound appreciation when it received HD ports on other systems. It may have taken a while, but it's ...