If you haven't had much success with houseplants in the past, it may be time to reconsider what you are trying to grow and ...
Tomatoes are not frost-hardy plants and will not thrive with their roots in cold soil meaning growth is likely to be slow and ...
While on vacation outdoors, your plants will benefit from natural sunlight, rain showers that will cleanse their leaves and provide hydration, and breezes that will train them to stand stronger.
A newly identified parasitic wasp that buzzed and flew among dinosaurs 99 million years ago evolved a bizarre mechanism, ...
Don Kinzler writes: "We can help our wintered plants prepare for another outdoor growing season with a few simple tips." ...
“Oh my God, it’s godawful,” said Kenny Burch, who has lived in the Carriage Gate townhouse complex down wind of the plant for ...
If it weren’t for their shared passion for creating a healthier, more sustainable environment, Camas residents Glen DeWillie, Randal Friedman and Molly McKay Williams — leaders of the recently formed ...
Most houseplants are tropical plants that require the warm, somewhat humid conditions of their natural habitat. In the home, many can become tired-looking, especially over winter, when even your brigh ...
Spring means it's time for gardeners to think about seedlings, those little baby plants all ready to get plunked into the ...
It's an old wives' tale to wait until the weekend after Mother’s Day to start planting your garden, especially in areas prone ...
12. Propane Grill: You’ll be the star of your next spring or summer get-together with this 40%-off grill. Sear steaks, grill ...
Projects include starting an apartment composting service, improving its bike share program, and building pollinator habitats, bat boxes, and bird feeders.