Hashem buried this light and is keeping it hidden for the end of days, as mentioned in the commentaries on Parshat Bereishit. This light is meant to be uncovered from its burial plot. It is not ...
Who named Moshe and what does his name connote? Did Pharaoh’s daughter speak Hebrew? Chizkuni suggests, that following Chaza”l that she converted, and she actually did speak Hebrew and names ...
This connection to the people’s suffering is central to Moses’ leadership. Five times in this parsha, Hashem makes it clear that He is not merely aware of the Israelites’ pain; He feels it.
On Friday nights, as the sacred calm of Shabbat descends, a timeless ritual unfolds in Jewish homes worldwide: Parents bestow blessings on their children. These moments, solemn and tender, weave a ...
This week’s Torah portion, “Vayehi,” concludes the Book of Genesis with the death of Jacob and the firm establishment of his children and grandchildren in the land of Egypt. As he lies on ...
This is one of the Zohar’s insights on this week’s parashat, where Jacob gives blessings to his sons (and two of his grandsons) whose descendants will become “the tribes of Israel.” ...
Joseph son of Jacob enters with his own two sons, Menashe and Ephraim, to visit with his bed-ridden father, Jacob (Genesis 48). Jacob inquires as to who is accompanying Joseph. Joseph responds ...
And Joseph bound the sons of Israel by an oath to bind their descendants by an oath, saying, “God will surely remember you and your descendants, and when He does, you must have them take my ...
EL CAJON, California — In this week’s parsha, we encounter a profound lesson about life’s challenges and our power to shape how we respond to them. While the events of our lives are commonly ...