Although phorid flies in the house are mostly just a nuisance, they do have the potential to spread disease-causing bacteria to food and surfaces, according to the Illinois Department of Public ...
Phorid flies have been a problem on mushroom farms since the 1940s, and for decades farmers used a pesticide called diazinon to eliminate them from their crops, according to Michael Wolfin ...
“Mushroom phorid flies have been a problem on mushroom farms ... on the grounds of public health and the economy. A mushroom house operates on Creek Road at the border of Kennett Square and ...
The Florida Entomologist, Vol. 74, No. 2 (Jun., 1991), pp. 305-310 (6 pages) The phorid genus Melaloncha Brues and the species Beckerina setifrons Borgmeier, Coniceromyia latimana (Malloch), Megaselia ...