Jim Walker of Massillon survived a 2018 dog attack. His beloved Lulu didn't. He helped change local law. Now he has new ideas ...
Each year across Ohio, dangerous dogs attack, maim and sometimes kill people. State law does little to hold owners ...
Owners of dangerous dogs that attack often pay small fines and face misdemeanor charges, even if their pet seriously injured a human.
A n 8-year-old Ohio boy named Oscar Koon remains unconscious in the intensive care unit (ICU) six days after being mauled by ...
An 8-year-old boy from Columbus, identified as Oscar Koon, continues to recover from severe injuries sustained in a pit bull ...
A woman has filed a lawsuit against Kansas City Pet Project, claiming that they didn’t do enough to prevent a dog attack that killed a man ...
A civil lawsuit recently filed in Jackson County court alleges KC Pet Project received a series of complaints about dogs ...
The owner of two pit bulls that mauled a boy in the Linden neighborhood Sunday fought the Franklin County Dog Warden in court ...
Colm Bergin (26) with an address at Bunratty Drive, Coolock, Dublin, carried out two robberies of commuters on the morning in ...
Oscar Koon, 8, suffered critical injuries in the March 2 attack involving two dogs near his North Linden home.
Colm Bergin (26), with an address at Bunratty Drive, Coolock, Dublin, carried out two robberies of commuters on the morning ...
Mastiffs have seen a decline in popularity in recent years, with breeders blaming the controversial XL bully for the breed's drop in numbers ...