Dog owners in Shrewsbury have been throwing pets' poo bags into an enclosure that houses a pair of Eurasian beavers, police ...
San Diego officials are scrambling to crack down on people letting their dogs run free on school playing fields, which have ...
Even within their own gardens dog owners must dispose of their pet’s poo responsibly as, in addition to the unpleasant smell ...
Nicole Ayalon, a dog owner herself, designed two types of stickers for people’s garbage bin. They say, “dog poo is welcome ...
People have been throwing dog poo and poo bags into where two beavers have been living in Shrewsbury. Posting on West Mercia Police ’s neighbourhood matters page, PCSO Sarah Williams said that it was ...
A Welsh Government report was largely positive on the work being done in Cardiff to provide play spaces but said improvements could still be made ...
New signs have appeared in New York, instructing dog owners to place dog poop in Cybertrucks, or "directly into" the mouth of ...
For most dog owners, dealing with poop is one of the biggest downsides. Scooping, bagging and disposing of it is messy, inconvenient and generally unpleasant. But shockingly, there hasn’t been a ...