Pruning too late after bloom could result in fewer blooms the next year ... When is a good time to divide and transplant my ...
Pruning too late after bloom could result in fewer blooms the next year ... When is a good time to divide and transplant my ...
If gardening isn't your forte, these pot plants that thrive on neglect are a must-have addition to your garden ...
Do you know why the strawberry was sad? His best friend was in a jam. Removing protective mulch from the strawberry bed when weather moderates is one of the many upcoming spring yard and garden ...
It doesn't just look good either. Jane has explained how flowers like snowdrops, irises, sedum, asters are "rejuvenated" by the simple job dubbed "planting in the green". It simply requires ...
Mini chainsaws are simple tools that take the hard work out of cutting wood and they're ideal for gardeners with limited mobility or strength, or those who have a lot of pruning or wood chopping to do ...
It's risky to prune these early bloomers because you'll most likely be cutting off buds, resulting in fewer flowers. Instead, prune your lilacs and other early blooms as soon as they finish flowering ...
They are magical trees to have in the garden, growing to a nice, manageable size. The acer can grow quickly from one year to the next, so it will need an annual tidy-up to keep looking neat and ...