Ahead of the IPO, Stallion India Fluorochemicals on Wednesday, 15 January 2025, raised Rs 59.83 crore from anchor investors. The board allotted 66.48 lakh shares at Rs 90 each to 6 anchor investors.
Tired of constantly replacing ink cartridges? The best ink tank printers offer a more economical way to print at high volumes. By releasing you from a commitment to cartridge ink, refillable ink ...
For the first time in Russia’s 35-month wider war on Ukraine, the Ukrainians may have a tank advantage over the Russians. But only only along certain stretches of the 800-mile front line.
Attend an Open Call where you will be given the opportunity to do a 1-minute pitch of your business/product/idea to a member of the Casting Team -- just like you would as if you were on the show. Come ...
Shark Tank India is set to return for a fourth season on Monday, and an extended new promo video has teased glimpses of what fans can expect. The new season will feature a couple of new ‘sharks’, and ...