Innovative therapies in the treatment of keloids and hypertrophic scars. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2010 May;3(5):20-6. PMID: 20725565; PMCID: PMC2922716. Mokos ZB, Jović A, Grgurević L, et al. Current ...
While you can get tested at a doctor’s office or a clinic, if you’re concerned about a specific STD, a home test may be a quicker and cheaper way to get results. Testing for STIs at home is ...
Scar tissue forms when a wound heals but is different from skin tissue. For example, it is less elastic, leading to tightness, limited movement, and pain. Exercise, moisturizing, and other home ...
Department of Materials Science and Technology of Polymers (MTP), University of Twente, Enschede 7522 NB, The Netherlands Sustainable Polymer Chemistry (SPC), Department of Molecules and Materials, ...
Take a look at these three top-ranked, best-performing and well-managed mutual funds if you're looking to maximize your retirement portfolio returns. Adding these three top-ranked, best-performing ...
Acne scars develop when your body produces either too much or too little collagen after a breakout. Before you can choose the right treatment for your acne scars, you need to identify the type of scar ...
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) provides public health guidance for the prevention and management of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI). PHAC's STBBI guides for ...
The penis may secrete discharge for several reasons. If it is likely that penile discharge is due to an STD, then it is important to seek treatment. Most STDs are highly treatable, and treatment ...