Use salted cod in stews and soups. Becuase you'll soak it before using it, it won't be too salty in the final recipes. Rinse the fish and dry it with a clean dishcloth. Spread a layer of salt at ...
Whenever people turn up their noses at the pungent scent of salted fish, I remind them that other cultures use ingredients with a strong smell (some would call it “stink”) that is far worse ...
To rehydrate salt cod, soak it in cold water for 24 to 48 hours and change the water frequently. Salt cod can then be poached or baked, or used in stews, fishcakes or fish mousses.
This recipe uses the saltiness of the fish to counter the latent tang of the preserved limes or loomi Ingredients 1 kg malleh (preserved fish), store brought 3 medium-sized spring onions ...
Saltfish buljol is a fish salad usually eaten for breakfast in Trinidad. It is made with salted cod and a mix of fresh peppers, onions and garlic, served with fried bakes, a style of fried dumpling.
TUMPAT - As the Northeast Monsoon season sets in, salted fish producers are grappling with challenges in processing their fish, due to the unpredictable weather conditions. A seasoned entrepreneur ...