The improvement in cruise tourism in the Subic Bay Freeport Zone will bring in more tourists and increase opportunities for businesses in the vicinity. SBMA Chairman and Administrator Eduardo Jose ...
SBMA OIC for the Office of the Senior Deputy Administrator for Regulatory and Ecology Center manager Amethya dela Llana discussed the provisions and projects under “Race to Carbon Neutrality” By 2030, ...
SBMA chairman and administrator Eduardo Jose ... their community development funds and support their projects in tourism, infrastructure, education, peace and order, health, and livelihood generation.
SBMA chairman and administrator Eduardo Jose Aliño said the neighboring LGUs are entitled to a share of the SBMA's revenue to supplement their community development funds and support their projects in ...
Joseph River by possibly removing the north wing of Century Center, where the SBMA is located. SBMA Executive Director Lisa M. Shaffer said Friday that she spoke with city officials, who ...