Our second grader is about to finish Tractate Berachot at school, and the fascinating phenomena unpacked in Science Behind the Mishnah are a great resource to match his natural curiosity about the ...
Considering their associations with suburban politeness, you might be surprised to hear that book clubs have decidedly ...
Every minute spent reading is a minute you could spend watching film, or hitting the gym, or putting up a hundred more free ...
The malady these books are intended to remedy is one that Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor has written about extensively, ...
Are your kids totally into time travel? Superfans of space adventures? Our list of sci-fi favorites has something for all the young science fiction book lovers out there. From classics to hot new ...
Released this winter, Stewart Hotston’s Project Hanuman, is a new science-fiction novel that blends Indian mythology and classic space opera… and we’re delighted to reveal its stunning cover from ...
How do changes in priorities affect the projects you've worked on? Do you have information about developments we should cover? What are the implications for your own career and livelihood?
Ready to turn your book cover into an attention magnet for eyeballs and wallets? Let's now get down to the sensational world of pixels and persuasion, where fonts flirt and colours seduce. Let's learn ...
Outraged upstate New York parents took over a school board meeting this week, demanding to know why their elementary school children were exposed to an “LGBTQIA+” book that included depictions ...
President Donald Trump’s administration announced late Friday it is drastically reducing payments the National Institutes of Health makes to universities, hospitals, and institutes that help cover ...
The cover of the venerable newsweekly, long an object of fixation for the president, put Elon Musk behind the Resolute Desk. By Shawn McCreesh The president did not look amused. He was meeting the ...
Lori Harvey stars as Playboy magazine’s cover star for the publication’s highly anticipated return to print after five years. The socialite rocked a glittering bikini top and a mint-colored ...