The rapid decline of the Delta smelt is a symptom of the damage we have done. The problem now is that it is unclear how to slow, stop or even ideally reverse that damage. Some people would like the ...
Longfin smelt live for several years, spawning in freshwater and inhabiting estuaries and nearshore waters, and even ranging out into the ocean. Usually growing from 3.5 to 4.3 inches as adults, these ...
The University of California, Davis’ Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory was in financial limbo after its grant lapsed. SACRAMENTO, California — The federal government agreed Tuesday to ...
Delta smelt are tiny fish — most adults are less than 3 inches long — and nearly translucent, with a steely-blue sheen on their sides. As larvae, they start out eating microscopic food like ...
This year’s Cowlitz River recreational smelt dip-fishing season kicked off Wednesday almost totally without its two most important elements: smelt and people dipping for them.
Dozens of fishermen from Oregon and Washington test their luck during a one-day chance for smelt dipping on the Cowlitz River on Tuesday afternoon. (Amanda Cowan/The Columbian) Smelt dipping will ...