Marine protected areas in Tanzania boosted living standards in nearby communities over a span of nearly 20 years, a recent ...
The study of sea creatures has Oriole Park Elementary students learning many facts about animals, from anemone to zebrafish.
Hazukido Singapore at ICON Link@ClubStreet offers handcrafted croissants with interesting sweet and savoury flavours, baked ...
SEEBAMBOES is the Afrikaans name for Ecklonia maxima, the towering kelp that forms the heart of the Great African Seaforest ...
Planetary is using magnesium oxide to create that vacuum. When dissolved into seawater, it transforms carbon dioxide from a ...
CREATING a conducive business environment for seaweed farmers can drive significant progress in youth employment, empower ...
At High Yaki The Sea, raw, sliced tuna chutoro and scallop, ikura, torched avocado are accompanied by a passionfruit and ají ...
Dozens of companies and academic groups are pitching the same theory: that sinking rocks, nutrients, crop waste or seaweed in ...
Ray Isle explores the distinctive character of some of California’s best wines at stops along a destructive fault line.
From the grounds of a gas-fired power plant on the eastern shores of Canada, a little-known company is pumping a slurry of ...
Dulse powder, derived from the red algae known as dulse (Palmaria palmata), is a nutrient-dense superfood that has been enjoyed for centuries, particularly in coastal regions of the North Atlantic.