Firewise USA is a program that helps neighborhoods plan how to protect their homes against wildfires. On Saturday, Walnut Creek Enclave became the 21st Firewise community in Austin after learning tips ...
In the past, many authors, including myself, have written several articles about the emerging issues with children and adolescents growing up with smartphones in their hands. As time moves on, ...
The Eagles drafted five defenders who were on Georgia's back-to-back championship teams. Philadelphia now has the NFL's best defense. And better culture.
A torch was passed Friday afternoon at a ceremony in downtown Hutchinson. After 15 years serving as the city’s chief of police, Dan Hatten stepped down from the role and into retirement.
She browsed further up the aisle, and stopped to consider the plastic deer: cutouts, less than an inch thick but nearly life-size in height and length. The bucks held their antlered heads high. The ...