Beat the heat and laundry pile! Appliances are hitting 65% off in the Electronics Premier League. Imagine, new ACs, fridges, ...
3月17日,三星公司发布了一则公告,宣布与巴塞尔艺术展达成合作,精选了23件当代艺术作品,通过三星艺术商店以4K超高清画质推送给全球的电视用户。这一举措让艺术爱好者足不出户即可欣赏到高质量的艺术作品。 巴塞尔艺术展是国际上最具影响力的现代及当代艺术展览之一,自1970年在瑞士巴塞尔首次举办以来,现已扩展至美国迈阿密海滩、中国香港以及法国巴黎等多个城市,被誉为“艺术界的奥林匹克盛会”。根据计划,20 ...
If LED, QLED, OLED, and mini-LED don't already confuse you, there are now two different types of MicroLED TVs. Here's what ...
realme has announced that the upcoming realme P3 Ultra 5G will feature segment-leading 4K 60FPS video recording and editing.
Genshin Impact's Android version will finally get official controller support with the upcoming Version 5.5 update. (Play ...
这款手柄的设计灵感来源于游戏的第一部与第二部,其表面装饰了多种图案符号,象征着游戏中的重要时刻、人物和事件。其中,“萤火虫”“飞蛾”以及“狼”三个标志尤为醒目,同时手柄背面还刻有游戏名称“THE LAST OF US”。
Amazon has the ROVE R2-4K DUAL dash cam on sale for 40% off and is also offering an extra discount to make it even cheaper.
Turn up the volume with incredible Bluetooth speaker deals. With up to 70% off on top brands like JBL, Sony, and boAt, you ...
3月12日,三星发布了一篇博文,宣布为篮球爱好者推出一款名为“绝杀套装”(BuzzerBeaterBundle)的智能电视组合。该套装包含8台高端电视,用户可以同时观看多场比赛,尽享赛事的乐趣。以下是“绝杀套装”中包含的电 ...
One way to look at the Hisense C2 Ultra is as the equivalent to the Hisense PX3-PRO—one of our top picks for a 4K ultra short ...
More Woot Deals of the Day also include a 35% discount for the Ring Battery Doorbell Pro and 48% off for Samsung's Galaxy ...
I remember reading the review of the original 70mai 360 Omni Dash Cam just over a year or so ago and thinking it was ...