工作后攒了一点积蓄,也跟风买了一台MD,在网上看了大家的文章,大多数不过是一些图片和表面介绍而已,不过大家好象都对SONY R909比较感兴趣,确实这款机器从表面、外观来看很不错,做工很精细,大小合适,握在手中手感非常不错。 下面我把我在使用这款 ...
Sony is ending production of recordable Blu-ray, MiniDisc and MD Data disc media, along with MiniDV cassettes, the company ...
Sony has announced that as of February 2025, it’s no longer going to manufacture four types of recordable media: Blu-ray Disc media, MiniDiscs for recording, MD data for recording, and MiniDV ...
Sony announced that the company is officially halting the production of recordable Blu-ray, MiniDisc and MD Data disc media as well as MiniDV cassettes. It's another step in the slow decline of ...