The Science of Space Dive (pt 1/6): The world's biggest skydive. videoThe Science of Space Dive (pt 1/6): The world's biggest skydive An overview of challenges faced by scientists, engineers and ...
An Osaka Metropolitan University-led research team has developed a deep learning model that uses AI image recognition to ...
In this oneoff documentary Space Dive tells the behindthescenes story of Felix Baumgartners historic recordbreaking freefall from the edge of space to Earth The world watched with bated breath ...
In October a Google executive performed a record-breaking near-space dive from a high altitude balloon at 136,000 feet. Jared Leidich (MechEngr) and Josh Hecht (AeroEngr’11, MS’12) were part of the ...
As the X-37B graces the cover of Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine, editors discuss the unique characteristics of the spaceplane and what its up to as it orbits Earth. Don't miss a single ...
Ella, Slippy, and Madhu engage in spiral space diving inspired by a mysterious colorful spiral. As they gather data like scientists, Maggie glitches unexpectedly. Fierce winds force them to spiral ...