While some employers may be tempted to mandate English in the workplace, blanket policies may violate the law, Norris ...
Voters overwhelmingly favor legislation to make English the official language of the United States, following President ...
English Language Institute partnership brings Korean teachers to campus for immersive professional development ...
Advocates for English learners have raised concerns for years about new reading instruction policies. A new report claims ...
They crossed oceans to get to the U.S., fleeing conflict, religious persecution, poverty and government crackdowns in ...
Sessions ranged in the number of participants from just a few people to around 25, but even the smallest appear to have been positive and productive.
Posted on the door leading into the learning space in northeast Albuquerque is a sign that reads, “Bilagáana bizaad dooda.” Underneath is a translation: “No English beyond this point.” This is Saad ...
A fascinating new study shows how these seemingly contradictory practices might share more in common than anyone realized.
Readers disagree. One says it will finally encourage people coming from other countries to learn English, while another says ...
Toddler-speak decoded! Hilarious texts show a mom translating her child's cryptic requests. A relatable parenting moment!
The need for foreign-language interpreters for defendants in court likely will cost local taxpayers at least $45,000 before ...
Because “re” is a regular word, it doesn’t automatically get a colon, nor does a longer phrase like “Re scheduling: See me tomorrow.” Yes, a colon can be used this way, but not because “re” requires ...