A research team from the Yunnan Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has recently published a study in The ...
Dark matter is an elusive type of matter that does not emit, absorb or reflect light and is thus impossible to detect using ...
A hybrid electroluminescence device achieves room-temperature single-photon emission, advancing quantum technologies with ...
Abstract: The measurement of shifts in the energy of X-ray emission lines is important for understanding the electronic structure and physical properties of materials. In this study, we demonstrate a ...
RainbowSTORM provides a variety of spectroscopic processing and post-processing methods that allow users to calibrate, preview, and quantitatively analyze emission spectra ... analyzing the full ...
and that it exhibits strong spectral emission lines. Its companion is a white dwarf star that is about 20% more massive than our sun. White dwarfs are the final stage of sun-like stars that have ...
WHEN physicists and chemists awoke from the coma of the years of War and began once again to take an interest in the realms of knowledge in which they had formerly lived and worked, they found ...
MaxLinear’s demo showcases the linearization performance of its Sierra radio SoC as a complete Open RAN radio unit.