However, the very low signal‐to‐noise ratios involved in these observations pose challenges to reduction techniques. We present a synthetic rotation curve technique to analyze spatially resolved ...
Key fact Line emission spectra are unique to a particular element. Different elements produce different line spectra. A line spectrum is like a fingerprint - it can be used to identify the element ...
This causes line emission spectra to be produced, as shown below. This is not a continuous spectrum as only light of specific frequencies and specific colours are produced. Different types of ...
However, both of these spectra contain emission lines that can't yet be matched with known electron transitions, limiting the information which can be gathered from them. In a study published in ...
WHEN physicists and chemists awoke from the coma of the years of War and began once again to take an interest in the realms of knowledge in which they had formerly lived and worked, they found ...
Cosmic rays below 100 MeV are key to the origin of life and the evolution of stars, and they activate interstellar matter to emit spectral emission lines of X-rays and gamma rays specific to the ...