If you have trouble pooping, a footstool like a Squatty Potty might help make it easier for you to "go." We tested five of ...
PART OF THIS TEXT COMES FROM THE WEIBO WATCH PREMIUM NEWSLETTER Shoe prints on top of the toilet seat are never a pretty ...
This week, the Catch-22 of sitting versus squat toilets sparked heated discussion on Weibo after a Beijing News article ...
Home builder Alexander from St. Johann am Wimberg treated himself to a special extra when planning his home: a high-tech ...
An curved arrow pointing right. The toilet may be comfortable to sit on, but humankind was never meant to eliminate waste by sitting down. Our bodies just aren't built for it. Produced by Matthew ...
How many times have you found yourself whether at a gas station restroom, mall bathroom, or airplane lavatory, the need to squat or hover over a public toilet, dreading direct contact with the seat?
A Japanese-style squat toilet is seen in a station in Fukuoka Prefecture, in this photo provided by Kyushu Railway Co. (JR Kyushu). FUKUOKA -- They may have all but disappeared from newly built ...