Have you ever heard of zoophobia? That is the medical term given for the general fear of animals, from the roots “zoo,” meaning animal, and “phobia,” meaning dread or fear. Around six percent of all ...
If you live with aerophobia—aka the fear of flying—you are far from alone. According to 2024 data, some 25 million Americans fear flying to some degree, which can interfere with travel plans ...
Anxiety is common when it comes to flying, but research suggests flying is the safest mode of transportation. Here’s how to manage your anxiety when up in the air. Share on Pinterest Matthew ...
A phobia is an extreme irrational fear of something. It is a type of anxiety disorder that emerges, on average, at age 9 or 10. There are different kinds of phobias directed toward objects, situations ...
Fear of cotton balls is also known as sidonglobophobia. Another term for the condition is bambakophobia, from the Greek bambaki, which means "cotton," and phobos, which means deep dread or fear. In ...
An eye-tracking study found that individuals suffering from phobias show delayed disengagement and slower decision times compared to those without phobias when responding to images. This indicates ...
Aerophobia, or fear of flying, can cause severe anxiety and affect a person’s quality of life. Exposure therapy is a standard treatment that may help. Aerophobia, or aviophobia, is a fear of ...
Leigh Woodman from Bristol suffers from mortuusequusphobia, a rare and severe fear of ketchup. This phobia triggers extreme anxiety and panic attacks, impacting her daily life significantly.
William “Chris” Hoffman, who was serving as an inspector at FBI headquarters, has been named special agent in charge of the bureau’s Cincinnati Field Office. Hoffman’s career as an FBI special agent ...