(photo credit: FLASH90) In this Torah portion, God commands the construction of the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the Tablets of the Covenant that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai.
Absolute evil was ultimately thrown into the trash heap of history. And in Goebbels’ mansion? Hundreds of Jewish American ...
The Rabbinical Council of Tzohar, an Israeli Orthodox rabbinical organization, suggests that communities hold a silent hakafah, in which congregants walk around the ark of the Torah “more or ...
The rabbi’s pulpit is, unusually, on a balcony that overlooks the pews and the Torah ark — the work of the non-Jews who built the synagogue in a Christian style in the 16th century atop ...
In our generation, the Torah must be protected in two ways ... in their hands to pave the way for the cherubs of the sacred ark in the Sanctuary of the Divine. Rabbi Shlomo Riskin is chancellor ...
It was also used to vest the Mishkan, the Holy Ark and the Mishkan’s utensils with sanctity. By accepting the Torah, the Jews themselves became “a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation ...
“I am hopeful that in a few months we will see that more parts of the Torah Ark are among the stones,” said the head of Munich’s Jewish Museum. BERLIN (JTA) — Alongside Munich’s ...
Ark of the Covenant This is the most important ... and the presence of the Torah in the lives of the people. Bimah This is a platform from which the Torah is read. It is raised to allow people ...
One can only know Him through His actions—His 13 attributes—which can only be grasped through the Torah. This is why the Cherubim are not only atop the Ark but also gaze upon its cover—the ...
For three weeks, the project team, led by founders Adiel Toledano and Natanel Peretz, traveled through Florida and California, bringing the Torah scroll memorializing fallen IDF soldiers to ...