Designer (Architecture and Interior), founding partner of YY Projects. Lecturer at the University of Hong Kong and the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong. Holds a M.Arch ...
So you want to risk that scrap of dignity you possess? The rules are simple (for some, at least) — five points for a correct answer.
杨雅婷(英语:YEUNG Nga Ting Lianne,1998年10月13日-),中国香港女子羽毛球运动员。 杨雅婷的母亲是羽毛球教练、前广东队运动员锺海玉,兄长杨盛才亦是羽毛球运动员和中国香港队代表。 2013年,杨雅婷开始与吴芷柔搭档双打,她在组合里是主攻手,靠力量杀球。
Whether you're a general knowledge buff or simply enjoy learning interesting facts, you've come to the right place, because we've gathered a comprehensive collection of easy trivia questions and ...
This Thursday is the Chung Yeung Festival. You probably know that it’s a public holiday, but how much do you actually know about the history of Chung Yeung? Traditionally, this is the day people ...
Peter Yeung is a Contributing Editor at Reasons to be Cheerful. A Paris-based journalist, he also writes for publications including the Guardian, the LA Times and the BBC. He’s filed stories from ...