By John Yoon Tropical Cyclone Zelia made landfall on Friday afternoon in northwestern Australia, bringing intense rain and destructive winds to a sparsely populated region of the country that is ...
Steve Turton has received funding from the Australian government. Severe Tropical Cyclone Zelia is bearing down on the northwest coast of Australia and is likely to make landfall early Friday evening.
Heavy rain and strong winds are battering inland communities in WA's Pilbara, as Tropical Cyclone Zelia continues to track inland. The severe tropical cyclone crossed the coast near De Grey ...
It’s called the Cerrado, Portuguese for ‘closed,’ and for nearly all of human historythis vast tropical savanna in central Brazil seems to have been shut off from the rest of the world.
You can get in touch with Liz by emailing [email protected]. When bringing home the runt of a litter, one would expect that animal to stay small throughout their life, but a pet parent from ...
Epidemiological surveys, identification, diagnosis, control of neglected tropical diseases, and vector and pest management should be addressed to achieve the goals of a One Health approach.
In response to this latent threat, we need to gather real-time information and build collaborative networks aimed to enhance surveillance activities in order to develop high-priority medical ...