That being said, experts and organisations like the UN have documented decades of discrimination against Congolese Tutsis and the Banyamulenge - a Tutsi sub-group concentrated in the South Kivu ...
Students who were thoroughly prepared with the textbook content were well-equipped to tackle the paper.” A good balance of diagrams and numericals was maintained, academic coordinator added that the ...
But the new face of the M23 in the region — Corneille Nangaa — is not Tutsi, giving the group “a new, more diverse, Congolese face, as M23 has always been seen as a Rwanda-backed armed group ...
It consists of three subsections stigma, stile and ovary as shown in the following diagram of longitudinal section of flower. The male reproductive part of the flower is known as stamen.
clang-uml is an automatic C++ to UML class, sequence, package and include diagram generator, driven by YAML configuration files. The main idea behind the project is to easily maintain up-to-date ...