BEIJING, March 26 (Xinhua) -- China urges the United States not to project its hegemonic logic onto China or view China-U.S. relations through an outdated Cold War mentality, Chinese foreign ministry ...
请问发言人对此有何评论? Question: It is reported that the nominee for US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy said that the status of Taiwan was not existential to the US, but Washington had important national ...
Wu Qian: The Taiwan question is an internal affair of China, which brooks no external interference. The US side wants to contain China with Taiwan and connives at risky and provocative activities of ...
2月14日下午,国防部新闻发言人张晓刚大校就近期涉军问题发布消息。 记者:据报道,美日领导人近日会见后,两国发表联合声明称,双方强调维护台湾海峡和平稳定的重要性,反对以武力或胁迫单方面改变台海局势。近日,美“约翰逊”号驱逐舰、“鲍迪奇”号海洋测量船过航台湾海峡。请问对此有何评论? Question: It is reported that US and Japanese leaders met w ...
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao pledged on Friday at a press conference that China is capable of launching a new stimulus package ...