The federal judge who blocked President Donald Trump's executive order on banning transgender troops in the military has a ...
The Italian Coast Guard has recovered six bodies and is searching for up to 40 people missing after a rubber dinghy that ...
(罗马19日讯)联合国周三表示,一艘移民船在地中海失事,造成6人死亡、40人失踪,而意大利当局正在兰佩杜萨岛附近搜寻幸存者。法新社报导,联合国难民署(UNHCR)驻意大利代表卡多莱蒂在社交媒体X发文称:“地中海发生的最新沉船事故仍然有太多人死亡。”她 ...
A leading rights group says that Pakistan's authorities have intensified pressure on Afghan refugees to go back to ...
MAKURDI: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in collaboration with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), has commenced a two day training on data and information collection ...
Who qualifies as a Palestinian refugee? And should this status be inherited indefinitely – even by millionaires?
Baptists have a particular connection to Zomi Christians because our own missionaries brought the gospel to their people many ...
(日内瓦7日讯)联合国周五表示,自叙利亚总统巴沙尔阿萨德被推翻以来,已有超过30万难民返回叙利亚。法新社报导,联合国难民署(UNHCR)的施米特周五在叙利亚首都大马士革,透过视讯连线告诉在瑞士日内瓦的记者,自去年12月8日阿萨德倒台以来,回到叙利亚的 ...
Rations will be halved for around one million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh from next month due to a lack of funds, the ...
Negotiations are on-going in relation to a series of tripartite agreements between the Angolan government, UNHCR, and refugee hosting governments in the region. After almost three decades of civil ...
In the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), insecurity and horrific sexual violence have left tens of thousands fleeing across borders with no sign of the exodus stopping, the UN refugee ...
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi has underscored UNHCR's unwavering commitment to supporting more than 1 million Rohingyas hosted in Bangladesh as he concluded a four-day visit to ...