The bills, which have advanced in the Senate, would require schools to take certain preventative measures to protect student health in the classroom and on the athletic field.
The lifesaving device apart from the "4-minute community" program gives care workers step-by-step instructions to help them ...
Francis is now able to spend some time off high flows of oxygen, using ordinary supplemental oxygen delivered by a nasal tube ...
Plymouth offers free CPR and AED training sessions this spring through Heart Safe Plymouth and the Rotary Club.
For G-P student Quinn Supnet it was the quick thinking of multiple people including his aunt and his trainer that saved his life.
Eight years after New Prairie senior died from cardiac arrest, teacher Tonya Aerts has helped 45 Indiana schools become Heart Safe.
Danville Parks and Recreation recently placed two AEDs on the 10-mile long Riverwalk Trail. The devices were donated by the ...
The City of Perrysburg is taking a significant step toward enhancing public safety by installing automated external ...
A ball to the chest caused Oscar Stuebe to go into a cardiac condition known as commotio cordis. Fast action by West Palm ...
Years later, Russell hopes his story can galvanize the public to support an initiative spearheaded by the Huntsville Hospital ...
Susan Wallace, Screen Team coordinator, demonstrates infant CPR using a mannequin while speaking about first aid, parent ...
The American Heart Association is working to turn a nation of bystanders into a nation of lifesavers through training.