Cardinal Michael Czerny, delegated by Pope Francis, presides over the Mass for the Jubilee of the World of Volunteering. He ...
In the Old Testament we can read the account of the female prophet, teacher, and leader Huldah who played a key role in ...
The ABC's Q+A returned from its end-of-year break with a left-wing US journalist ridiculously claiming Donald Trump didn't win in November because he claimed less than 50 per cent of the popular vote, ...
The last deaconess of the Armenian Church was Hripsime Sasunian, who died in 2007. A decade after her death, in 2017, ...
Consider, first of all, the passage we’ve just seen from near the beginning of the book of Exodus, when God tells Moses that ...
As Catholics and non-Catholics around the world await daily updates about the health of the 88-year-old Pope, it is a fitting ...
According to 2016 data from the Japan Congress on Evangelism, 81 percent of Protestant churches in Japan have fewer than 50 ...
The word kavod – dignity or honor – appears sixteen times, but in fourteen (2x7) of these cases the reference is to the glory of G-d.
Lent, the season of penitence, is the preparation of the soul to accompany the Lord in the Passion. It begins now, and ...
The much longer exile of Greece ended through the merit of Jacob. But the last and current exile has lasted nearly 2,000 ...
The liturgical year is the Church calendar observed by Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, Orthodox Christians, and several other denominations.