Additionally as the ocean becomes more acidic because of human activity, it makes it difficult for walrus prey like crabs, clams and sea snails to build their shells. Wildlife biologist Dr.
Mostafa joins Soraya Amiri as part of a program that platforms internationally trained writers The post The Walrus Announces Mostafa Al-A’sar as the Second Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) ...
In The Last Walrus, filmmaker Nathalie Bibeau explores an impassioned debate about how — and whether — to hold marine mammals in human care. With trusted access to opposing perspectives ...
The disappearance of sea ice is forcing walruses to haul out on land during the summer, which limits access to feeding areas at sea and makes them vulnerable to trampling, predation, and human ...
Freya, a walrus that attracted crowds while basking ... on the basis of a global evaluation of the persistent threat to human security,” the head of Norway’s Fisheries Directorate Frank ...
This human-made noise is only set to worsen as diminishing sea ice makes the Arctic more ... These activities cause a huge amount of noise and break up existing sea ice, fishing can result in the ...
John Lennon's I Am the Walrus lyrics have been deciphered to discover the Beatles song's hidden meaning by a music expert.