Rich media ads are animated, and often streamed, so that they appear more like television commercials, as opposed to ads containing static images and text. They can be embedded in Web pages and ...
Rich media mobile ads are delivering an engagement rate of 12.8 percent, on average, across all devices, platforms and ad placements, according to a new report from Celtra. The results from the Celtra ...
Video and rich media ads see nearly twice the engagement rates of standard banners on mobile devices, a new study by Millennial Media has revealed. 29 per cent of apps now allow video apps, up six ...
Mobile advertising marketplace Adfonic has released its rich media offering, giving advertisers and agencies access to over 10bn monthly rich media-enabled ad requests from mobile sites and apps. The ...
Volkswagen is running a rich-media mobile advertising campaign to raise brand awareness for its new CC model sedan. The automotive company teamed with AKQA to place the mobile banner ads in ...