Columnist Oak Duke draws on 50 years of data to observe the time when bucks are most active chasing doe each fall. Here's how 2025 looks.
A smaller bust from early last month has implicated 22 individual deer breeders operating in 11 Texas counties. (Photo/TPW) ...
You can real the full story here. When a giant buck walked under his tree stand on the Kentucky archery whitetail opener, Chandler Barnes knew exactly what deer he was looking at. “I had the ...
A South Texas deer breeder and his business partner were recently convicted of a slew of charges tied to their involvement in illegally moving captive white-tailed deer across county lines ...
the deer breeder industry, landowners, hunters and Texas' outdoor and rural based economies, where white-tailed deer hunting has a $9.6 billion annual economic contribution." Because the TPWD ...
Most whitetail deer hunters in Northeastern Pennsylvania have heard of Chronic Wasting Disease and know that it is not good.
The social organization of the white-tailed deer is largely matriarchal ... between September and October. During the breeding season, adult and yearling bucks tend to stay alone except when ...
Female white-tailed deer are called does ... Some research shows a breeding buck loses as much as 20-25% of its body weight during the rut. So, on average a breeding buck which weighs about ...
the deer breeder industry, landowners, hunters and Texas’ outdoor and rural based economies, where white-tailed deer hunting has a $9.6 billion annual economic contribution," VanderRoest said.