On the afternoon of March 12, with a resounding whistle, a China Railway Express freight train carrying 50 containers departed from the CR Intermodal Zhengzhou Terminal in Central China's Henan ...
冬去春来,万物向阳天气渐渐暖起来供暖季也即将结束郑州供暖截止的具体时间是?停暖后我们需要注意什么呢?郑州各区热力公司咨询服务热线是多少?和小布一起来看吧一郑州市供暖期根据《郑州市城市供热与供热管理办法》(郑州市人民政府令第216号)第十五条规定:本市 ...
A China anunciou neste sábado que imporá tarifas adicionais sobre alguns produtos importados do Canadá com base na decisão de ...
外来务工人员是城市发展、项目建设的重要力量,为关心关怀他们的生活,切实解决饭点路边占道难题,中原区城市管理局变堵为疏,文明执法、温情执法,人性化执法,探索“1+N”执法模式(“1+N”执法模式,即以执法中队为核心“1”,联合施工方、社区 ...
At 18:19 on February 16, a cargo plane operated by the British all-cargo airline One Air took off from Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport (hereinafter referred to as Zhengzhou airport) in ...