VB-Z430 双通道轴承振动监测仪VB-Z720 双通道水机摆度监测仪,VB -Z730 双通道水机振动监测仪,VB-Z420双通道轴振动监测仪,VB-Z470B壁挂式正反转监视仪,VB-Z470正反转监测仪,VB-Z440转速监测仪XZD-LG型两线制转速变送器ZSBS-2 YC-DO型胀差变送器 YZ-DO型轴向位移变送器 CZY-01 ...
The DVB-S2 demodulator IP core performs all tasks of an inner receiver. Its output perfectly fits the DVB-S2 forward error correction IP core that implements LDPC and ...
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Integration of a Gb Ethernet MAC provides streaming over IP support. 4. Software Implementation The software infrastructure implemented on this solution benefits from the seamless integration of Linux ...