China's largest oil refiner, Sinopec, has recently completed the expansion of its hydrogen fuel cell supply center in ...
He stated that the Greater Bay Area has a lot of diversity such as the manufacturing bases of Foshan and Dongguan, or the tourism destination of Huizhou. “More important is they are working together.
Indonesian Journalist Desca from ANTARA News Agency joined the Guangdong Delegation Open Day, and I invited her to cover the ...
盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,Waymo将从3月12日开始,在其“Waymo One”早期乘客计划中提供自动驾驶出租车服务,覆盖范围包括山景城(Mountain View)、洛斯阿尔托斯(Los Altos)、帕洛阿尔托(Palo ...
As the RMB becomes a more internationalized currency and as China moves up the value chain for a lot of these cutting-edge products, you have the financial role of Hong Kong and the innovation and ...
Meng Lei, China equity strategist at UBS Securities, said investor confidence in the capital market is also recovering, ...
0 总阅读 44万 文章 天宸国际社区售楼处电话:400-882-8814【营销中心】如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。 Sales Office Phone: 400-882-8814 【 Marketing ...
2 月底,该股跌破中线,明确表明该股的上涨趋势已经结束。在超卖之后,该股试图在 2 月底突破中线,但最终是假突破,因为它很快又跌回中线以下。因此,根据布林线指标,目前的前景有利于空头。 移动平均线的信号相当混杂,总体上显示出不确定性。SMA ...
BEIJING, Mar 8 (China Economic Net) –In Yiwu City, a global small commodity hub in eastern China, Pakistani businessman Rana Sajid found his life's calling. By importing and exporting commodities ...