United Airlines said it apologized after flight attendants from the airline told a mother she had to take her son off his ...
美国联合航空再陷服务争议。一位来自佛州的母亲近日公开指控,联航机组人员在飞行前强行要求她两岁、病情复杂的儿子移除维生设备,尽管她多次出示医疗授权文件,但依旧遭遇质疑与不当对待。该事件在社交媒体引发广泛关注,也再次引发关于航空公司对特殊乘客照护能力的质 ...
Melissa Sotomayor says a United Airlines crew asked her to remove her 2-year-old son's ventilator, which was keeping him ...
United Airlines apologizes to mother who claims her son was asked to remove his breathing machine during a flight ...
A United Airlines flight set for China had to return to the U.S. after the pilot discovered he forgot his passport.
据雅虎新闻报道,近日美国联合航空公司因一名母亲的投诉而成为舆论焦点。梅丽莎·索托马约尔(Melissa Sotomayor)指责该航空公司机组成员在她乘坐的航班上,反复要求她摘下自己21个月大儿子的呼吸机,尽管她提供了相关的医疗证明。事件发生在她和儿子从佛罗里达州坦帕飞往新泽西州纽瓦克的航班上。
The crew asked Melissa Sotomayor to put medical equipment ‘keeping her son alive’ underneath the seat before takeoff ...
A mother from New Jersey said that the flight crew on board a recent United Airlines flight instructed her to remove her ...
Melissa Sotomayor recounted how a United Airlines flight crew asked that she remove her son's ventilator, which he depends on ...
In 2024, United Airlines removed a flight attendant and apologized following a complaint that he shouted at a passenger – ...
United Airlines told BI it had contacted the passenger and "apologized for any frustration she may have experienced." ...