随着科技的快速发展,人工智能(AI)正在不断渗透到我们的生活方方面面,尤其是在工业和劳动力市场中。然而,许多人仍然对此感到不安,尤其是在工作安全和效率方面。我们常常会想,AI是否会取代人类工作?在危险的工作环境中,工人的安全又该如何保障?近日,RoboForce的崛起为我们带来了新的答案。这家初创公司正在努力用AI和机器人技术来改变危险工作领域的现状,让人们能够更安全、高效地完成任务。 代替人类劳 ...
The RoboForce franchise is expanding in a big way as it jumps to the small screen with a new animated series, and now we have ...
Dwayne Johnson released the trailer for RoboForce: The Animated Series on his YouTube and social media channels Wednesday.
Last summer, when RoboForce founder Leo Ma visited a solar farm outside Phoenix, the ground was hot enough to cook an egg on. Ma watched as workers traversed uninhabitable lands to spend hours ...
RoboForce and its Robo-Labor fleet can safely, efficiently work alongside humans where needed, while saving human laborers from repetitive and high force-demanding tasks. Ultimately, solar ...
In 2089 Detroit, Soraya Aviram's RoboForce debuted with plans to assist a new intergalactic society on Earth. Unfortunately, the same day as the announcement, Soraya's rival, Silas Duke ...
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, seen at the 2025 Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, produces "RoboForce: The Animated Series" through his Seven Bucks Productions. File Photo by Jim ...
An exciting new wave of Roboforce figures are coming, LEGO's latest Disney castle revealed, SpongeBob SquarePants meals could be delivered to your home, and more in Link Tank!