MONTGOMERY, La. (KALB) - A person was killed by a train this week, according to Montgomery Chief of Police Clyde Baines.
Demoreo Hall is wanted for illegal possession of stolen things ($1,000+), theft (under $1,000), theft ($1,000-$5,000) x2, ...
ALEXANDRIA, La. (KALB) - ‘Relentless’ is a new indie book set in Louisiana. It is described as a spicy romance with some suspense and small-town drama. The setting for the novel is the fictional town ...
It is described as a spicy romance with some suspense and small-town drama.
The execution of Larry Roy, dubbed the ‘Cheneyville Slasher,’ has been pushed back, according to Rapides Parish District ...
He has been entered into the National Crime Information Center as a missing person, per his family’s request. If you have any ...
ALEXANDRIA, La. (KALB) - The Wildwood Pizza Powerhouse Tournament is back for its fourth consecutive year. After two years of ...
NATCHITOCHES PARISH, La. (KALB) - The Natchitoches Parish Sheriff’s Office Impact Team carried out a multi-unit operation on ...
U.S. Immigration agents arrested a Palestinian graduate student who is now being held in an immigration processing center in ...
There is a new program aimed at improving the health of uninsured obese residents in Rapides Parish. The stage at the Laborde ...
The Wildwood Pizza Powerhouse Tournament is back for its fourth consecutive year.
PINEVILLE, La. (KALB) - An Alexandria man has been arrested on a domestic abuse charge according to the Pineville Police ...