With regulatory reviews of the Rogers-Shaw transaction ongoing, it is worth revisiting one reason this transaction is so controversial, billionaire family drama aside. Wireless internet access is a ...
Today the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) announced the criteria it will use to determine how to allocate the $750 million it had previously set aside for investment in ...
Our submission to the department of Canadian Heritage explains what they have wrong in dealing with ‘online harms’, and how to fix it.
Is Elon Musk a unique problem? Yes. And also– no. Yes, his direct involvement in gutting large sections of America’s government without clear authority to do so is unprecedented, and deeply concerning ...
The long-awaited report from the Broadcast and Telecommunications Legislative Review Panel is finally out! This panel was established in June of 2018 to propose updates to Canada’s media and ...
As a Canadian, the most accurate term I can use to describe my feelings about this is ‘ugh’. Canada and Mexico, the countries that have most recently signed onto the TPP, are being left out of the ...
If you’ve been on social media recently, you may have seen all the buzz around the Internet Archive. Here's what's going down: for two years, Big Media publishers have been embroiled in a lawsuit ...
The Internet has become so indispensable to modern life that it’s often joked about as the real foundation of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 1 nestled even below food, water, and shelter, nowadays.
Hundreds of ISPs all over the world limit and restrict BitTorrent traffic on their networks. Unfortunately, most companies are not very open about their network management solutions. Thanks to data ...
I’m sure that some of you are scratching your heads and thinking: but what the heck is ancillary copyright anyway? And why does it matter? Ancillary copyright is a kind of neighbouring right, or ...
When you buy a smartphone or a laptop, that device should be completely yours; you ought to be able to do what you want with it. If you drop your phone off the fifth floor, and the screen breaks, you ...