29岁那年,梁海斌成为远洋货船上的一名水手。五年的跑船生涯让他看到一个在防火长城内不曾见过的中国。2020年6月,因为在网上发表“不当”言论,警察找到了他。一个月后,他以工作名义上了一艘货船,跑路了。 我是86年生人,老家福建泉州惠安县。
Sengketa dagang Trump dengan China meluas ke Kanada dan Meksiko. Tapi ini bukan pertama kalinya AS melancarkan perang dagang ...
A disputa comercial de Trump com a China alargou-se ao Canadá e México. Mas esta não é a primeira vez que os EUA conduzem guerras comerciais com adversários e aliados ...
Tranh chấp thương mại của chính quyền Trump với Trung Quốc đã mở rộng sang Canada và Mexico. Nhưng đây không phải là lần đầu tiên Hoa Kỳ tiến hành chiến tranh thương mại với cả đối thủ và đồng minh ...
It was just a regular run to the store with his children. With his youngest in the cart, Jésus Humberto González focused on what he needed to buy. It was just a regular run to the store with his ...
赤潮也称“红色幽灵”,指特定环境条件下,海水中某些浮游植物、原生动物或细菌爆发性增殖或高度聚集,引起水体变色的 ...
Thousands of workers died during Qatar 2022 World Cup-related construction, far more than in the run up to every other World Cup or Olympic Games in the past 30 years combined. This short documentary ...
Pemerintah Irak tidak punya rencana detil untuk Mosul setelah berhasil merebutnya dari ISIS, tapi mereka harus segera ...
Édgar Zúñiga runs this 80-year-old ice cream shop in Quito. This shop has seen a lot of history, including back in the 1990s when power had to be rationed. There were blackouts and even a national ...
While the United States has a long history of accepting immigrants from around the world fleeing persecution and war, the term “refugee” wasn’t defined until the mid-20th century following the massive ...
The ups and downs of the one-state, two-state and three-state proposals to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Beginning in the 20th century, the international community faced the question of how ...
“But can you imagine someone’s hair could be a reason for their death?” The 2022 death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd, whose Kurdish name was Jina, led to protests in Iran and around the ...